Everyday Carry Introduction

My EDC philosophy

I have come to realize that I dislike the current trend of pocket dumps and every day carry.  I AM very much interested in what other people carry on an everyday basis, but I am only really interested in what people actually carry.  I know this seems counter intuitive, but let me explain. I follow tons of everyday carry blogs, I am interested in and love pocket tools and gadgets from the minds of Peter Atwood and the like, but I have found that I must just have different pockets than most of the people who are posting their edc. Most of these pocket dumps include a fixed blade knife, a folder, AND a multi tool, two flashlights, a camera, a laptop, a wallet, a money clip, a bandana, a set of screwdrivers, phone, laptop and tablet.  

I love tools and gadgets but as much as I try to carry all the helpful stuff I can, I think of my pockets end up whittling themselves down as if by magic.  My keys don’t maintain tools for very long, and they too seem to magically lose extraneous key fobs and unneeded gadgets. This is because they also need to go into my pockets, and in the summertime when I am not wearing a jacket full of pockets, that space is at a premium.

No matter which tools I find to be awesome and useful, my daily carry can only consistently contain; My wallet, a pocket knife (which I carry because I like to have a toy in my pocket more so than having an actual need if I’m totally honest), my phone, my wallet, and my watch. I have things that I perceive a need for stashed around, in my truck, in my desk drawer at work, multi-tools here, flashlights there. The “on a daily basis cannot leave home without list”  Is and must remain as short as it is, anything more than that and I feel like I’m over encumbered.

I think other people are the same, and I generally think that most people don’t even carry a pocket knife nor do they need to. They are handy tools, and I plan to review my most usually carried ones, but actually need one?, I’m not sure many people really actually NEED to have one with which to traverse their daily routine.  

Remember this blog is about use, real world use and usefulness, what does a person need in their daily life and what are the best of those products? I may not know the best for you but I know I’ve been worried about being prepared for my day since I was a child and I have found the things that work the best for me.

pictured is the author’s extremely boring EDC